luni, 4 aprilie 2022

Romanian Mathematical Journalin harjoitusliitteen tehtävä S:E19.323

           The problem is proposed for the 5th grade, at page 6.

 In translation (due to Miss Google):

     " Determine the natural number $n$ for which:





Indeed: $2^{11}-2^6+2^5+2^2-2^0= 2048-64+32+4-1=2019.$


 Solution CiP

           If the number $n>0$, then all the powers of $2$ on the left side of the equation are even numbers, so the result of their sum is an even number, so it cannot be equal to $2019.$

     All that remains is to check the number $n=0$, and it is found that he verifies the equation. 


          REMARKS CiP 

          $1^R$. We will use the following formula


          $2^R$. The number in base ten $2019$ is written in base $2$ as follows:



As it is known, this writing is unique, there is no one like it. Replacing the terms $2^k$ with the second formula in Remark $1^R$, with the exception of $2^5$, we have:


 If we open all the parentheses and keep in mind that $x-y+y=x,\;\;x,y,z \in \mathbb{N}$, we get:


      $3^R$. The given equation can still be written, also with the formulas from the mentioned remark:




 and considering the unique writing in base $2$, we obtain the only possibility $n = 0.$
