The problem is proposed for the 9th grade, on page 483.
In translation, thanks to Miss Google:For the above result to be a power of $n$ we must have $k^{n+1}y+1=l^n$ for some integer $l$, so $y=\frac{l^n-1}{k^{n+1}}.$ For $y$ to be an integer, it is enough to choose $l=k^{n+1}+1$ because according to the binomial theorem we have
$l^n-1=(k^{n+1}+1)^n-1=\sum_{i=0}^n \textrm{C}_n^i (k^{n+1})^{n-i}=$
$=[(k^{n+1})^n+\textrm{C}_n^1(k^{n+1})^{n-1}+ \cdots +\textrm{C}_n^{n-1}k^{n+1}+1]-1=k^{n+1} \cdot A$,
for some integer $A$. That's how I found the answer.
In particular cases, the solutions can be expressed differently. For $n=2$ the equation
$\Leftrightarrow \;x^3=(z-y)(z+y)$ can be solved by choosin
obtaining an infinite family of complete solutions $$x=m,\;y=\frac{m^2-m}{2},\;z=\frac{m^2+m}{2},\;m\in \mathbb{Z}.$$
(I did not investigate if these represent the complete solutions of the equation.)
The particular case has the following solutions
The general formula provides the solutions in the case of n=2