marți, 30 mai 2023

How? can we recognize a perfect square??

           The following post on Facebook of Mahan Gholami caught my attention.

                The first relationship that helps us is

$$\alpha^3=1+2\cdot \alpha-\alpha^2.\tag{$\alpha^3$}$$

Then we write $\alpha^3+\alpha^2-2\alpha=1\;\;\Leftrightarrow\;\;\alpha \cdot (\alpha^2+\alpha-2)=1$ and we get

$$\frac{1}{\alpha}=\alpha^2+\alpha-2. \tag{$\alpha^{-1}$}$$

We are still calculating for the future $\alpha^4=\alpha \cdot \alpha^3 \underset{(\alpha^3)}{=}\alpha \cdot (1+2\alpha-\alpha^2)=\alpha +2\alpha^2-\alpha^3 \overset{(\alpha^3)}{=}\alpha +2\alpha^2-(1+2\alpha-\alpha^2)$ so


          From the first formula of Vieta $\alpha+\beta+\gamma=-1$ we get

$$\beta+\gamma=-1-\alpha. \tag{1}$$

And from the third $\alpha \cdot \beta \cdot \gamma=1$ we deduce $\beta \cdot \gamma=\frac{1}{\alpha}$ therefore (see relation $(\alpha^{-1})$)

$$\beta \cdot \gamma=\alpha^2+\alpha-2.\tag{2}$$

          Knowing the sum and the product, we calculate from relations (1) and (2):

$(\beta-\gamma)^2=(\beta+\gamma)^2-4 \cdot \beta \gamma=(-1-\alpha)^2-4(\alpha^2+\alpha-2)$, hence

$$(\beta-\gamma)^2=9-2\alpha-3\alpha^2. \tag{3}$$

The next delicate part is to be able to express the member on the right in (3) as a perfect square.

          Let's try to determine the numbers - preferably integers - $m$ and $n$ so that

$9-2\alpha-3\alpha^2=(3+m\cdot \alpha   +n \cdot \alpha^2)^2.\tag{4}$

 The right side is successively equal to

$9+m^2\alpha^2+n^2 \alpha^4+6m\alpha+6n\alpha^2+2mn\alpha^3=$

$\overset {(\alpha^4)}{\underset {(\alpha^3)}{=}}9+m^2\alpha^2+n^2 \cdot (3\alpha^2-\alpha-1)+6m\alpha+6n \alpha^2+2mn \cdot (1+2\alpha-\alpha^2)=$

$=(9-n^2+2mn)-\alpha \cdot (n^2-6m-4mn)-\alpha^2 \cdot (2mn-6n-3n^2-m^2).$

To fulfill the relationship (4), let's try to solve the equations

$\begin {cases}(i)\;9-n^2+2mn=9\\(ii)\;n^2-6m-4mn=2\\(iii)\;2mn-6n-3n^2-m^2=3\end {cases}$

It follows from (i) that $2mn-n^2=0$; but $n=0$ leads to the impossibility $(ii)\;-6m=2\;and\;(iii)\;-m^2=3$, hence $n=2m$. Then the remaining relations


provide the value $m=-1$. Therefore, relation (4) is written


          We then obtain from (3)

$$\beta-\gamma=\pm(3-\alpha-2\alpha^2). \tag{5}$$

We choose the minus sign in (5) and, combining with (1), we get $\beta=\alpha^2-2,\;\;\gamma=1-\alpha-\alpha^2.$ (The other choice reverses the values of $\beta$ and $\gamma$.)


               Remark CiP

                     Trying to calculate $(\beta-\gamma)^2=(\beta+\gamma)^2-4\beta \gamma \overset{(1)}{=}$

$=(1+2\alpha +\alpha^2)-\frac{4}{\alpha}=\frac{\alpha^3+2\alpha^2+\alpha-4}{\alpha} \underset{(\alpha^3)}{=}\frac{(1+2\alpha-\alpha^2)+2\alpha^2+\alpha-4}{\alpha}=\frac{\alpha^2+3\alpha-3}{\alpha},$

we will write 

$$\frac{\alpha^2+3\alpha-3}{\alpha}=\frac{\alpha^3+3\alpha^2-3\alpha}{\alpha^2} \overset{(\alpha^3)}{=}\frac{(1+2\alpha-\alpha^2)+3\alpha^2-3\alpha}{\alpha^2}=\frac{2\alpha^2-\alpha+1}{\alpha^2}.$$

We would expect $2\alpha^2-\alpha+1$ to be a perfect square. This is true, but it is more difficult to recognize. The answer, not so obvious, is 


          Therefore, we repeat the question from the title, which we hope to answer someday: How can we recognize a perfect square ?

{end Rem}


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