Andrica's conjecture is not a joke. Rodica's conjecture is a joke.
We read in an article from the mathematics magazine "Revista Matematica a Elevilor din Timisoara", issue 1 of 1975:
"It is observed that the squares of some natural numbers end with identical digits (e.g. $12^2=144,\;1038^2=1\;077\;444$).
In the same issue of the magazine Dorin ANDRICA, then a diligent student from Deva, published some proposed problems, on pages 41-49: #2102, #2116, #2124, #2134, #2149.
The cited article "Asupra unei proprietăți a numerelor naturale"(On a Property of Natural Numbers) with author N. I. NEDIȚĂ, on pages 3-6, explains the phenomenon. If a perfect square ends with dentical digits, these digits can only be 44 or 444. The general form of these numbers is, in the first case
$$50*k-38,\;\quad50*k-12,\quad \quad k=1,\;2,\;\dots \tag{1}$$
and in the second case
$$500*k-462,\;\quad500*k-38,\quad \quad k=1,\;2,\;\dots \tag{2}$$
There are no perfect squares that end with the group of digits 4444.
Remark CiP Formula (2) is included in Formula (1). To be more precise, certain values of $k$ must be removed from (1).
RODICA, an imaginary character, reads this article and makes the following Conjecture:
"If a perfect square ends with three digits equal to 4, then the thousands digit of this square can only be odd."
See the examples: $38^2=\color{Red} 1\;444,\;462^2=21\color{Red}3\;444,\;962^2=92\color{Red}5\;444$